About Us

Chemistry 223A, 223B, 320L, and 420 are the pre-professional organic chemistry courses for chemistry, biochemistry, and biological science majors at CSULB. The labs are situated in the MLSC building on campus. This website is designed for students enrolled in Dr. Jean Lee Lin's lab section.

Before coming to lab each week, students can view the laboratory techniques, experiment tips, and safety issues.

The photos and website were created by student volunteers under the direction of Dr. Lee Lin. The photographs are continuously collected in the laboratory and may contain slight flaws. Questions or comments are welcome and may be sent to Dr. Jean Lee Lin.  

Professor Jean Lee-Lin

Contact Information

Jean Lee Lin, Ph.D.
Course Coordinator
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, CA 90840

Office: HSCI-346
Email: jean.lee-lin@csulb.edu